- تاریخ انتشار: 23 شهریور 1401
Service market development
Service market development, According to the report of the Laboratory Network of Strategic Technologies, in 2018,
The main focus of the laboratory network will be on the development of the laboratory service market of the network’s member centers.
Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network of the Scientific and Technological Vice President,
It was formed and operates for the purpose of quantitative and qualitative development of the country’s laboratory services
And it covers about 400 specialized laboratory centers across the country.
According to the announcement of the laboratory network secretariat, the activity plan of the network for 2018 has been compiled and approved by the scientific and technological vice president.
Based on this, the laboratory network in order to develop the laboratory services market of member centers,
It will implement various incentive programs to encourage researchers, industries and knowledge-based companies in 2018.
Another activity of the network in 2018 is to enter the market of foreign laboratory services, especially in neighboring countries.
The existence of numerous universities and the presence of a significant number of researchers in neighboring countries,
It has provided a valuable opportunity for the laboratory centers of Iran, and the laboratory network has included the creation of the necessary infrastructure and mechanisms to supply the services of these centers to customers abroad in the work plan of 2018.
It is worth mentioning that, in order to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of development programs of the laboratory network, the Vice President of Science and Technology has allocated various incentive support.
Source: Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network
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